Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Slow Cooker is a Saviour

Being a working mother of two small kids, I find it so challenging to balance my time at home especially on a weeknight. By the time I reached home after picking the kids from the nursery, I have to freshen or bathe them and settle them down. Then I have to perform my prayers and rush to the kitchen to cook dinner. We are pro one-dish meals but even a one-dish meal takes up time to prepare from prepping the ingredients to the time it can be served on the table. It doesn't help that often times I have to stop cooking, turn off the stove and rush to the living room when Babypie starts crying or fussing or when Babycakes come to the kitchen to tell me that Babypie is munching on her books etc. Also, I have to go and look at the kids when they became extremely quiet. You know what they say, "silence is golden but when it comes to toddlers, it means something is up". 
Anyway, I've been seeing tons of crock pot or slow cooker one-dish meal recipes on the internet and they look so easy and divine.And the best part is, you can set it up before you go to work and by the time you come home, dinner is ready for you.

I didn't have a slow cooker so I bought one at lazada a few weeks back. There were so many options and I decided to buy a 5L Faber Slow Cooker. It was on sale and I only paid RM80+ for it.

Honestly, the pot is a bit too big for a small family like us but you don't always have to fill them up full.

The first time I used the pot, I made beef ribs soup. I simply added the frozen beef ribs with some onions, garlic, carrots and cauliflower, salt and spices (sup bunjut) and set it to low because I left it on the whole day I'm at work. When I returned home that evening, I simply soaked some meehoon (vermicelli noodles) and had a nice bowl of meehoon soup for dinner. It was simple as that. I had time to spend with my kids and also managed to do a bit of laundry.
I have also cooked a chicken lemon garlic in it and all I did was cook rice when I got home. I am compiling recipes and making a list of what to buy the next time I do groceries shopping, online of course. I foresee this slow cooker to be my new best friend. Seriously, you can cook basically anything and everything and even bake in this thing. How cool is that?

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