When i wanted to make
egg tart, I couldn't find the small molds so i ended up buying a set of pie-molds which comes in three different sizes. I have never used it until last weekend. I always wondered, what could I possibly make in those molds? I have to put it to use or else
rugi lah beli. I googled for a pie-recipe and stumbled upon a recipe for Tuna Quiche. It looks interesting. Actually I wanted to make it 2 weekends ago but I don't have all the ingredients. Last Friday, I bought the ingredients and started making it on Saturday afternoon. Making the crust is a bit
leceh because I have to roll it out and fit it in the mold.

I used the biggest mold, which is 10-inch in size I think. The crust was just nice, not too thick and not too thin. And i even have some dough left, which i kept in the freezer for future use.

These are the ingredients for the filling. It includes salt & pepper. I also added some button mushrooms, even though it was not stated in the recipe.

I kinda overlooked the recipe. It stated to mix the tuna, cheese & spring onions in a bowl, then fill in the pie-crust. The milk & eggs should be mixed separately and then poured over the cheese & tuna mixture. But what the heck. Same difference, right?

The crust must be baked beforehand so as not to have soggy crust.

Pour in the mixture and bake until golden brown.

The heat in my microwave oven is not even, thus the extra brown part at the edge.

After the quiche is slightly cool, remove from the mold.

Cut the quiche with a sharp knife.

Serve while it is still hot.
I find my quiche to be slightly salty, probably because i put in too much cheese. Next time I shall reduce the amount of salt. If you find the quiche a bit too rich to your liking, you can eat with chilli sauce. Next time, I'm gonna try chicken & mushroom quiche pulak since it is so laku. :) Or maybe I'll try something sweet pulak.