Tuesday, May 06, 2014

We Are Going On A Holiday!

We are going on a little trip tomorrow night, insyaallah! Where are we going to? Ha! It's a secret, until I post pictures of it on facebook ya? hehehe. It's not really far yet not so near. We have been toying with the idea of going somewhere after our fun trip to Sydney last year and then BAM! I got knocked up. So I kinda pestered hubby to materialize our holiday plan asap. I am 4 months pregnant now and soon will be the fasting month and then raya and then I will be in my 3rd trimester. And then IDR2 arrives and I'll be in confinement for 2 months and by the time it's the end of the year already. When else to travel, if not now?? Short distance travels by car are still ok but I can only think of traveling by plane next year when IDR2 is a few months old. And by that time, we are already a family of four, insyaallah and traveling costs and expenses will increase with the addition of another kid.
Our bags are about 85% packed. Only the little stuffs haven't been packed. Tonight I have to finish packing and then maybe if I am rajin, I'll finish folding the two loads of laundry so at least when we come back, I don't get welcomed by a ton of laundry.
Please pray for our safe flight, safe journey and a safe holiday ya? 

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