i was admitted as Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya.
i was finally a lawyer.
how fast time flies.
i still remember the day my Father robed me.
i still remember how proud my parents were.
one year has passed by.
it has been a great year.
but of course, i've had my fair share of ups and downs.
but here i am.
still standing.
still breathing.
still surviving.
i still have a long way to go.
and i know the road is not gonna be a smooth, golden-paved road.
definitely not like what some people might think.
where will i be in the next year to come?
what will i face in the next year to come?
where do i stand in the next year to come?
so many questions yet i have none of the answers.
whatever it is,
i am ready to face more challenges.
i am ready to take bigger responsibilities.
but nope, i am not ready to set up my own firm just yet.
nope, i'm not gonna quit practising just yet.
and nope, i ain't joining service either.
at least not for now.