Monday, December 31, 2007
usher it in
Friday, December 28, 2007
a few things that i learned during the trip:
- the Indonesians are surprisingly not smelly
- the Indonesians are a friendly lot
- they would do anything and everything to sell their goods
- they sell foods everywhere
- the gap between the rich and the poor is so huge
- some of them can be really ganteng and manis (cute/handsome/pretty) while some looks like the typical maids
- it is a shopping haven
- you become instant millionaire when you go there
- you can bargain like hell when you buy stuffs
- the toilets, although not that fancy, clean and modern (no flush, just pour water when you're done) are surprisingly not stinky, unlike ours. even klcc toilets stink!
- i gained weight because i ate rice twice a day boohoo but i cannot help it that the lauks are so delicious
- i drank avocado juice for the first time in my life and it's rich, thick and yummy
- the baksos are delicious
hooray hooray it's a holi-holiday
Before I forgot, I hope it’s not too late for me to wish all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha and Merry Christmas to all Christians. The day before Raya Haji, mum, lil bro and I went to
The next morning, which was Raya Haji, we had a little celebration of our own where one of the members in our tour group brought lemang, nasi himpit, ketupat, rendang ayam, rendang daging and kuah kacang. Yes, you read right. He (it was a he) brought it all the way to
The next day, we went to Tangkuban Parahu. Legend has it that once there was a very beautiful woman who lived in the jungle with her son. She has no husband. One day she scolded and hit her son’s head for being naughty and the son ran away. Since the woman lived in the jungle, she only ate ulam, roots leaves etc and became awet muda. One day her son, who had already grown into a handsome young man met her and fell in love with her, without knowing that the woman is his mother. The woman also did not know that it was her son until one day she saw the scar on the man’s head. By then, they had promised to marry each other. So she figured out a plan to cancel the wedding. Thinking that the man would not be able to complete the task, she challenged him to build a boat and a lake before dawn. If the man failed to complete it, she will not marry him. The man has some super powers whatever and almost completed the task. This worries the woman, who then consulted her fairy godmother or some spirit of some sort. You know how cerita dulu-dulu is. Anyway the fairy gave her a piece of cloth and told her to wave the cloth. By doing this, the cloth would look like the sun and the roosters will start crowing signifying that it was dawn. However the man found out about it and became very angry and kicked the perahu until it terbalik and the waters in the lake all splashed out. The hills look like a perahu yang terbalik, which is said that that was the perahu that the man kicked, thus the name Tangkuban Perahu and until today, the lake looks nothing more like a crater, with very little water. I stand corrected though because I was sleeping when the tour guide told the story so I had mum and lil bro narrating it to me over lunch. Hehe. After the visit to Tangkuban Parahu, we went to Sari Ater Hot Spring where there was a natural hot spring with healing properties and whatnot. We dipped our feet in the hot water for a few minutes before continuing our journey to a strawberry farm. We had lunch at the farm in its small huts and the foods are simply delicious. After lunch, we went shopping.
On the fourth day, we head back to
Fifth day, we went to visit the Tugu Monumen Nasional a.k.a Tugu Monas, which is like our Dataran Merdeka. Took some pics and even took pics in front of the president’s palace. After that we went shopping like crazy at a huge shopping haven called Mangga Dua. Later in the evening we went to Plaza Senayan, a high-class shopping mall, just like our Pavilion and The Gardens.
On the last day, we walked to Pasar Tanah Abang, another shopping haven, which is just a 10 minute walk from our hotel. Some of the shops were not opened yet but we managed to buy some stuffs there. After lunch we went to Mangga Dua again and shopped somemore before heading to the airport. Our flight home was at 2200hrs but considering the horrible macet, we pushed off to the airport at 6pm and reached there at about 7pm. Thank God traffic was ok. We landed at KLIA at approximately 0130hrs, on Christmas Eve. On the way out of the airport, something happened to Mum, which I shall also deal with in another entry.
Since my internet connection is very very damn bloody f***ing slow at the moment, I will only insert pics later on as it will take forever to upload the pics and by the time it finished uploading, I would have boiled over. rasa macam nak baling je modem ni kat muka orang streamyx, boleh tak??
Monday, December 17, 2007
a weekend in PD
Attending conferences is not really my cup of tea but if the conference is held at a hotel by the beach, I thought, why not? Besides, I have no plans for the weekend. Might as well fill my holidays by doing something useful and beneficial, right? When I was invited to join the National Legal Aid Conference at Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson for a three day two night conference, I did think twice about it since none of my friends from the Fraser's Hill trip are going. But then I thought if I didn't join this one, when else can I join? When I start work next month, I'm gonna have to take a day off if I were to attend such program. Since it's on national level, it's a great networking opportunity because I get to meet lawyers and people from various state bar and legal aid centers from all across peninsular
On the second day, the conference was held throughout the day. The conference was, well, a conference. hehe. Our minds were already thinking on what to do at the beach so the moment they called it a day, me and my two friends Kamie and Farah quickly changed and hit the beach. First we went on the free horse ride which was totally awesome! I remembered asking mum where can I go for a horse ride in
We planned to have another go on the banana boat the next morning and had promised each other to wake up and give morning calls and what not but come Sunday morning, everybody was too lazy to wake up. Instead of waking up at 730, we woke up at 845am. the conference was supposed to start at 9 but we took our own sweet time to get ready because we found out the other senior lawyers were drinking until the wee hours and we figured that there's no way that they could wake up either hahaha. The session eventually started at 10am. So we were not late after all. As for the two guys, they came in at almost 11. The whole event ended at 1pm. we checked out, had lunch, said our goodbyes, took pictures and head home. This time, I took a lift from Kamie who sent me home.
It was definitely another great and memorable experience and not too mention informative. I am glad that I went to the conference and that I met some really cool people. Ok picture time!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
things so far
- i'm still the same ol' me-meaning not a pound lighter nor an inch smaller, eventhough i've been working out quite a lot with mum in Penang (but the makan was just as banyak thus explaining the non-effectiveness of the workout). we went to the youth park on Monday and Wednesday morning, did our poco-poco dance on Tuesday evening, worked my abs on the ab thingy which left me to an achy abs thanks to lil bro who forced me to do numerous sets of sit-ups at one go.
- i've been sleeping really late at night resulting to waking up
reallylate in the day (no need to state the exact time lah) - trimmed and dyed my hair to a reddish tone. new year=new hair colour. konon2 new spirits.
- surprisingly, chocs ada lagi. but so sikit! stock running dangerously low. need...more...chocs...asap...
- go to PD this weekend for the National Legal Aid Conference (tentatively)
- pack sis's stuffs
- go to the money changer to exchange RM to Rupiah
- shopping and gallivanting in Jakarta & Bandung
- buy Rinie & Najmie's wedding present
- was thinking of donating some old clothes to the flood victims. anyone knows where i can send them to?
- kemas my ever so untidy and messy room
- kemas my wardrobe-eliminate the unnecessary
- file my fair order
- pack my bag for the PD trip. what to wear oh what to wear...there will be lawyers from all over the country so i need to look the part also, no? heh~
- pack my bag for the Jakarta & Bandung trip. was thinking of buying some tops and skirts and a cute comfy shoes to be worn there but since i'm going there, it's gonna be way cheaper, right? should i or should i not?
Thursday, December 06, 2007
it's a start
they are super cute when they are puppies and when they don't bark.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
holiday plan(s)
btw look at what my officemates got for me. chocolates! the parker pens are from boyfy. so now i have a stockful of chocolates to last me this holiday weeehoooo~ but at the rate i'm