Thursday, November 22, 2007


a few days ago, while i was washing my face in the bathroom, i felt something moving on my foot. then i looked down and to my horror and utter disgust, it was an ulat gonggok! OMG i literally jumped and screamed and wriggled my foot to remove it. so if you felt a tremor or the earth shake a few days back, that was probably me jumping up and down. it was scary as hell. you know how creepy crawlies and bugs give me the creeps. i don't want to kill it coz somehow rather i pitied the lil thing. benda tak berdosa tu buat apa nak dibunuh. but if it's a lipas or lipan, i have to give an exception lah. that, i must kill immediately using anything and everything within reach, including, but not limited to the gayung because lipan and lipas move so quickly and their direction is unpredictable. one minute they are on the floor, the next minute they might climb onto me. in the case of an ulat gonggok, it moves ever so slowly so i can see where it's going. i have no idea how it got into my bathroom but it's there. and it's still there until today. *sigh* everytime i enter the bathroom, i would scan the bathroom floor to see where it's hiding. there's no way i'm gonna pick it up and throw it outside coz i'd get all the goosebumps. one time i thought i wanted to ask the maid to pick it up for me but i couldn't find the lil fella. i guess he sensed that i wanted to do something to him so he went into hiding. and this morning, i saw him near the jamban.


Anonymous said...


y u z said...

hihi lawaklaaa ada ulat byk2 kt situ...really miss commenting ur blog,akak xprnh miss baca tp liat je nk sign in 2 pun baru je kembali dr alam barzakh huhu~~

take care girl!next time b4 gosok gigi watch out 4 d wiggky gonggoks hehe

y u z said...

yan,what happened 2 ur shoutbox?

Unknown said...

sgt geli kan? euww...just thinking abt it already gives me goosbumps!

tu, dah ok dah. agaknya la. sukati dia je nak ok ke x. sabo je la.