Last Friday, I took leave to take Babycakes for her 15month check up. Hubby was away in Miri for work since Christmas so it was just Mummy and Babycakes. I must say that without hubby around, it was quite challenging especially that Babycakes is very mobile and active now. If hubby were around, I can easily ask her to 'go to Daddy' when I'm doing something or shout for hubby to take her. Let's just say that during the period, she was called Irene Dalia more than Babycakes hahaha. Anyway her check up went well, alhamdulillah. My baby is a happy and healthy baby and she did cry for a while after the jab. I guess she got it from Mummy. Man I really hated being jabbed so I totally understand the pain she went through. :P
We were done by 12ish and it would be boring to just go back home so I took Babycakes to Tropicana City Mall and had lunch with her at Papa John's. It was the only place that has very few people so it's perfect. I don't want to be dealing with a restless toddler in a noisy restaurant, even though I so wanted to eat at Nando's. The thing about highchairs at restaurants, I notice that most restaurants use the IKEA highchair. However, most, if not all highchairs at the restaurants have no safety belt. GRRRR. Where the hell did the safety belt go to? They come together with the chair, don't they? It's very dangerous without one. I can't really enjoy my food as I needed to keep Babycakes in her seat and also get her to eat her pizza. I think I should write to IKEA.

The main reason why I went to Tropicana City Mall was to go to Jkids
Playground. I've always wanted to bring Babycakes there but I don't
think going on a weekend is a good idea as I'm sure the place would be
packed. So Friday was a perfect day for us. After paying at the counter,
Babycakes ran into the playground and got so excited while I was still
storing our bags in the locker and also putting my socks on.
She was so happy to be there especially looking at the big purple teddy bear. Her expression when she saw the stuffed animals was priceless. She was so excited that she just wanted to go everywhere. Good thing there were only 3 other kids at that time so we literally had the place all to ourselves.
I had mini heart attacks when she goes down the slide like this. -_-
I thought she was the adventurous kind, unlike Mummy but then I guess she is Mummy's girl after all because she seems gayat when she walks on the bridge. Heheh. But then again, it could be that she's just unfamiliar with the place, thus the hesitation.
We spent about 2 hours+ in the playground and of course she just went on and on while I got so tired of chasing after her. I could just let her play but I have to monitor her so that she won't fall or knock her head.
After 2 hours+ of playtime, she finally mellowed down and I gave her milk. She wanted to continue playing but I know she was already tired. When I put her in her stroller, she almost had a meltdown. Phew. After a nappy change and some biscuits, she fell asleep in her stroller while I had a nice time drinking coffee and eating my pastries at Delifrance. We went back at 7ish and it was such a fun filled day with my Babycakes. A perfect way to end the year by spending quality time with her.
Happy New Year everyone! Let's strive to be better this year and together we shall pray for a better and brighter year ahead, Insyaallah.