women and shoes are inseparable. i am not so much of a shoe-holic but i love shoes and i love looking at them. i love to try them on in shops. and i love the way they are nicely displayed on the racks. it can make me go crazy. some shoes look so good that they instantly caught my eyes and i get this feeling that says "i just HAVE to have those shoes!" i bet a lot of women out there can relate to this, right? however, buying a pair of shoes is not necessarily an easy task, especially if you have decided that you want a certain colour. you will find every other colour BUT the colour that you want.
i found these two shoes at Parkson Grand, Pavilion. there was a glimpse of hope and a ray of light shone upon me. however, when i tried them on, they are not comfortable (heck, no pretty shoes are comfortable anyway, right?) and they are very hard. i still have time so i thought i'd KIV these shoes. at least i know there are shoes in these colour.

the search continued even after raya.

i almost gave up but i can't. i just HAVE to have a soft purple/lavender/lilac shoes. then i thought, ok, i could do with purple (as in Barney purple) shoes i guess.

this was at Isetan KLCC recently. there was a wide array of shoes that i became crazy. i fell in love with many shoes but i resisted myself from trying other shoes. i've set my mind not to go astray as i am in the search of THE PURPLE SHOES.

i tried on a few purple shoes. some fit me nicely, some doesn't have my size while some was not comfortable. i only tried them on not more than 5 minutes and i can already feel the pain. not a good sign. and they don't come cheap too. there comes a point where i almost go way over my budget. time is not on my side to dilly dally any longer.
then i remembered a shoe shop in Ampang Park (i can't remember the name but it's some chinese name like Syarikat Kasut Yoong or something). yeah, nothing fancy, i know. i'm sure most of you have not heard of it. i've always been in and out of this particular shoe shop without even knowing the name. i only call it Kedai Kasut Neva. wanna know why?

because the brand name of the shoes are NEVA SHOES. what the heck, right? :D all i know is that this shop sells pretty shoes and they have almost, almost every colour you can think of. i kid you not. but of course they don't have a soft purple/lilac/lavender shoes. and then one purple shoes caught my eyes.

TA-DAA!! presenting THE PURPLE SHOES. nothing fancy, right?

they're not that cheap, mind you. for a brand-less shoes and for a simple (yet elegant) looking shoes, they costs RM99.90. and of course that was the last pair in that size. pfffft. i always get the last pair, i don't know why. those shoes look plain so i took the lrt and went to Masjid Jamek and bought myself two little brooches.

each brooch costs RM3. very cheap. i almost bought a bigger brooch but boyfie said that it's a bit too big for the shoes so i settled with this one. i also almost bought the ones with purplish stones but they did not stand out because the colour of the shoes is already in deep purple.

i went home and i simply pinned the brooch onto the shoes and voila! a whole new shoes at only RM105.90. other brands would cost no less than RM150. was i satisfied? definitely. am i happy with my purchase? of course! was it still within my budget? i could get another shoes with the balance of my budget!
so i guess it pays to go on a massive hunt. but of course you must have the time to shop around. it also pays to blog-hop to get ideas from bloggers and from the internet. D-I-Y and you can save a lot! unfortunately i did not take a pic of me wearing those shoes. but they are pretty, yes?