Anyway, the glue that comes together with the falsies is not good at all as the falsies did not stick to my eyelashes. It dropped every time I blink my eyes and it annoys the hell out of me. Luckily I bought the additional glue. It worked wonders! However, being an amateur at using falsies, it took me quite some time to get it right. The one and only time I used falsies was in 2008, during my sister’s wedding and it was attached by the make up artist.
In the end, I managed to put them on. It does feel a bit uncomfortable though. I wonder, how can people tahan using falsies all the time? Or maybe it’s a matter of getting used to? I’m definitely not gonna wear it on a daily basis. What the heck for, right? There are weddings coming up so it may be a good time to put them on, provided I get them right. Imagine if the falsies fall when you are talking to someone. Imagine the embarrassment. LOL. Or worst, what if it fell into your plate and you freaked out because you thought it was some kind of insect? Not something that I wanna take risk for. Anyone wanna share their experience(s) or tips on wearing falsies?
hehehe, how it feels
Eww I don't like falsies! Mascara will do la babe. We've got long & luscious eyelashes already...hehehe. *bats eyelashes*
it feels uncomfortable, berat, macam ada benda kat mata and all in all, tak best. (damn why did i buy them in the 1st place?)
saja nak try. tengok orang pakai macam cantik je hehe. but i have a feeling that the falsies will collect dust in one corner of my dressing table je. lalala~
ada..ada...akak kantin kafe kitorg ni hari2 pakai falsies. nak bukak mata amik lauk pun mcm berat smacam je mata dia. bgn pukul berapa laa agaknya pagi2 nak siap mekap bagai.
kak ida,
wow, akak kantin kafe pun pakai falsies hari2? hebat!! jangan bulut mata tu jatuh dalam makanan sudah. tapi kan, memang leceh nak pakai & sangat x selesa.
rm10 for 3?
that is so cheap...
but then again, sure akan rasa rimas bila pakai, knowing that, there're something on top of ur lashes...
yes, it's a good deal, sebab tu i TERbeli. :P u pernah try pakai? x selesa lah. and rasa berat. or maybe sebab x biasa kot. tunggu la kalau ada dinner or wedding, baru la worth it nak pakai.
I don't know how to appreciate wearing them or am comfortable with it.. the last time I wore some was in a saloon getting make up done for a dinner. They insisted putting on the falsies for me but I was so uncomfortable and it felt like spiders on my eyes, before I got to my formal dinner venue, I pulled them off....
exactly! it feels so uncomfortable, right? but then again, maybe it's a matter of getting used to. i don't think i'll wear them during the day, though what with peluh2 and all at weddings. silap2 tertanggal. ugh. if it's a wedding dinner, then ok lah kot.
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