My two kids weren't really into dinosaurs (see my previous posts on the Prehistoric Trail at Pusat Sains Negara) but when I received Bangsar Village's newsletter on its Back To Jurassic event, I got excited so I dragged the family to Bangsar Village on Saturday evening. I imagined that there will be numerous dinosaur rides and there will be a Jurassic park like area.
However, I was a bit disappointed when I saw these.
There was barely any Jurassic feeling to it.
The kids were excited though.
OK so there were three huge dinosaurs- T-rex, Triceratops and another one (I don't know my dinos, sorry guys).
And then there were two little dinos in another area, a clear space, no decorations, no dinosaur bones, no fossils, no dinosaur eggs. Nothing. Not even trees and rocks.
Your little ones can ride the dinosaurs and the prices for each rides are stated as above.
There are also some dinosaurs items on sale, including toys and t-shirts.
So Babycakes wanted to ride the mini dinosaur, which came to a bit of my surprise because she doesn't like them but the mini dinosaurs are pretty cute so we bought a ticket, RM5 for her. The ride lasted for more than one minute, maybe around 2.5minutes. It went round and round the empty area and the eyes were blinking. She enjoyed the ride.
Unfortunately Babypie couldn't ride it because he is still too small. Sorry sayang!
Merajuk tak dapat naik. As if you dare to ride them anyway. Hehe.
After the mini dinosaur ride, Babycakes wanted to go on the big dinosaur ride. I asked her many times, are you sure you want to ride that big dinosaur? Won't you get scared? Are you sure you won't cry? She adamantly said yes so I obliged. One ride is RM10 but if you ride all three dinosaurs, the fee is RM20. Considering that she had already rode the mini dinosaur, I only allowed her to ride the big dinosaur once.
Again, to my surprise, she chose to ride the T-rex. She had to climb on the stairs and sit on the chair and wear a seatbelt for safety purposes. The dinosaur would move its head, mouth, blink its eyes and made sounds. As for its body, it hardly moved. It basically just leaned to the front a bit and to the back and that's it. And the RM10 ride takes about 40seconds. Yes, not even a damn minute! If you ask me, it's a rip-off. Of course Babycakes enjoyed the ride so much so she wanted to go on to the other two dinosaurs but I had to say no because she already rode on the mini dinosaur.
She threw a bit of a tantrum because I said no so I had to cool her down by buying a Boost Juice for her. I'd rather spend RM25 on healthy and yummy juices, if you ask me.
Thankfully I have a RM100 gift card which I won earlier so we bought two juices and we are all happy. If your kids are really into dinosaurs and you don't mind spending RM25 for a few minutes of entertainment for your kids, go ahead and checkout the so-called Jurassic Park at Bangsar Village. Trust me, your kids will surely want to ride all 3 big dinosaurs and the mini one too.